- Mar 11 2023
We invite interested growers in Kilkenny city and county to join an international seed exchange through our upcoming event Genomic Gastronmy’s Satellite Seed Savers: Seed Exchange. Learn about these specialist seeds which have been specially cultivated, and eaten in outer space, at the International Space Station, and hear about Genomic Gastronmy’s research into this fascinating field of horticulture. A storytelling event will be followed by seed distribution and planting in the Butler Gallery Gardens. This is a chance to be part of a broader growing network across Europe and Asia and engage with Genomic Gastronmy’s Space Permaculture project in Butler Gallery throughout 2023.
Satellite Seed Savers are a network of gardeners that grow, interpret and preserve the agricultural biodiversity of outer space. At this live Seed Exchange event visitors will receive seeds for growing edible plants at home that have been cultivated or eaten in outer space.
Through a series of activities, artifacts and publications visitors to the event can learn more about seed saving and environmental stewardship, helping us debate questions such as:
How do we share space with our edible others?
Should humans try to make a permanent home in outerspace?
If so, what are they going to eat? Should we bring our space fantasies back to Earth?
About the Artist
GENOMIC GASTRONOMY is is an artist-led think tank launched in 2010 by Cathrine Kramer (NO) and Zack Denfeld (US) that examines the biotechnologies and biodiversity of human food systems. Their mission is to map food controversies, prototype alternative culinary futures and imagine a more just, biodiverse & beautiful food system.
The Center presents its research on the organisms and environments manipulated by human food cultures in the form of public lectures, research publications, meals and exhibitions. Since 2013 they have been joined by the artist Emma Conley (US) and have collaborated with scientists, chefs, hackers and farmers in Europe, Asia, and North America. Working between and beyond the life sciences and gastronomy the Center has been published in Science, Nature and Gastronomica and exhibited at the World Health Organization, Kew Gardens, V&A Museum, Science Gallery, MU, V2_ and others. They are currently based in Amsterdam and Porto.
Instagram: genomicgastronomy