The activities in our Home Studio series can be done by children of all ages, 5 to 105!
Share your makes with us using #HomeStudioBG.
WolfWalkers Landscape
Artist Mollie Anna King has made a tutorial to show you how to create a WolfWalkers landscape as a tunnel lightbox! Gather your materials and create some WolfWalkers magic at home!
ReConstruct, a Family workshop inspired by Tony O'Malley constructions, took place online on 11th October 2020 as part of Kilkenny Day celebrations and National ReUse Month, led by artist Rachel Burke. Watch and follow along with this Home Studio tutorial to see the creations that three brothers Hugo, Rowan and Iarla made and create your own!
Op Art
Home Studio #12 takes inspiration from Op artist Bridget Riley, we show you how in #HomeStudioBG
Deep Space Painting
Home Studio #11 with Lynn Phillips and her mum, artist Sinead Lucey, create a ‘Deep Space Painting’ using just three colours. A great exercise in tone, colour and line.
Matisse Paper Cuts
Home Studio #10 is a tutorial inspired by the paper collage work of French artist Henri Matisse! Find coloured paper at home and transform into gallery worthy artworks!
Upside Down and Inside Out Drawing
Home Studio #9: Sinead Lucey and her daughter Lynn Phillips have made a video about drawing 'Upside Down and Inside Out', a great exercise to challenge your drawing practice. Learn to draw by abstraction inspired by work by Georges the video to learn more!
Milk Box Bird Feeders
Home Studio #8 is a simple craft activity to help support our native wildlife! Create your own bird feeder from recycled materials, and see how many different breeds you can spot eating their dinner in your garden.
Paper Bag Heads
Home Studio #7 takes inspiration from cartoonist and illustrator Saul Steinberg, most famous for his work with the New Yorker magazine! Have a go at these characterful paper heads at home for a unique family portrait!
Make a Portrait
Home Studio #6 is a tutorial by Rachel Burke which gives you some of the principles of creating a self portrait. Follow along with this easy to follow tutorial to create your own beautiful portraits at home.
Kitchen Cupboards Crafts
Home Studio #5: Fala Buggy invites you to join her in the spice cabinet. You'll be making some 'Kitchen Cupboards Crafts' using spices to make scented paints and paper constructions. The possibilities are endless!
Shadow Puppet Theatre
Home Studio #4 is a magical, mystical Shadow Puppet Theatre tutorial by Renata Pekowska! Make puppets, create a screen, use a lightsource and create your own Easter themed storylines. The materials are simple but the effects are awesome!
Paper Sculpture
Home Studio #3 with Fala Buggy will give you lots of ideas for making paper sculptures at home. Try out these techniques and experiment!
Make a Mask
Home Studio #2 is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make…MASKS! Join artist Renata Pekowska in repurposing everyday household materials into a mask that can be used to create at-home theatre, tell stories or play pretend!